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&№183; Frequent colds;
&№183; Treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
&№183; Removal of pain in muscles and joints;
&№183; Stress;
&№183; Cosmetic problems.
&№183; Improves blood circulation;
&№183; Stimulates sweating;
&№183; Relaxes and soothes;
&№183; Relieves inflammation, pain, cramps and muscle tension;
&№183; It affects the diseased part of the body, allowing it to eliminate the focus of exacerbation of skin lesions;
&№183; Accelerates the healing process.
Ozokerite is used at home, in physiotherapy rooms and in spa therapy. Compresses with ozokerite are especially effective for treating children with colds. For carrying out heat treatment, ozokerite is melted, heating to a certain temperature, and applied to one or another area of the patient's body, according to the place of injury and the nature of the disease.
Let us dwell in detail on how to conduct a home ozokerite procedure and describe the use of ozokerite at home.
1. Ozokerite must be heated in a water bath to the melting temperature (65-80 ° C);
2. Molten ozocerite is poured into the dishes with a layer of 1-3 cm, previously lined the bottom of the dish with a cotton cloth;
3. After a few minutes, ozokerite cooled to 40-45 ° C is applied to the problem area in the form of a compress;
4. In conclusion, the compress is wrapped with an oilcloth or plastic bag, then with a woolen cloth;
5. Duration of the procedure - 1-2 hours until complete cooling of ozokerite, after which ozocerite is removed.
Cosmetic ozokerite "Marina Lupine" contributes to:
&№183; Moisturizing, cleansing, improving skin elasticity and smoothness;
&№183; Resorption of scars, restoration and regeneration of the skin;
&№183; Wrinkle reduction.
Ozokerite "Marina Lupine" is perfect for treating children at home during periods of colds and epidemics of ARVI, as sparing, but at the same time, very effective compresses.Unlike mustard plaster, Ozokerite applications do not burn the skin and have more heat conduction than mustard plaster.
&№183; Molten ozocerite temperature of 50-55 degrees is applied with a flat paint brush to the corresponding area of skin, pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly or some kind of indifferent ointment;
&№183; The next layer of ozokerite can already be applied hot, temperature up to 70-80 degrees. After applying a layer of ozokerite with a thickness of 1-2 cm, it is covered with oilcloth and widely covered with a blanket.
&№183; The course of procedures - 7-20 applications. Ozokerite can be used repeatedly.
&№183; Brush or foot coat with ozokerite temperature to 50-55 degrees;
&№183; Immersed in an oil-bag, filled with ozokerite temperature 65-70 degrees;
&№183; The bag is tied up (top);
&№183; Limb wrapped with a blanket.
&№183; Gauze cloth moistened with ozokerite and folded in 6-8 layers is wrung out with tweezers and spread on oilcloth to cool to a temperature not higher than 45-50 degrees.
&№183; A second smaller gauze cloth that is somewhat smaller in size cools to 60-70 degrees and is placed on top of the first gauze napkin.
&№183; Ozokerite compress is made from 2 such multi-layer gauze napkins, placing them one above the other.
&№183; They are covered with oilcloth on top and everyone is wrapped in a blanket.
&№183; Melted ozokerite is poured into a metal cuvette (baking tray) 5 cm deep on an oilcloth previously placed in it, which stands for 5 cm beyond the edges of the cuvette.
&№183; Pick up the suitable size of a ditch.
&№183; Cooling down in a cuvette, ozokerite turns into a hot cake 2-5 cm thick.
&№183; Turning the cuvette upside down, a cake with a temperature of 50-60 degrees together with oilcloth is applied to the patient's skin.
&№183; Everyone wraps a blanket.
&№183; This technique eliminates the use of high temperature ozokerite.
&№183; Ozokeritotherapy is carried out with caution in case of inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. Known expression: the pancreas "does not like" strong heat and saline water. Therefore, in chronic pancreatitis, even with concomitant gastritis with low acid-forming function of the stomach, the most mineralized mineral water of the No. 2 source is not usually prescribed.
&№183; Tumors
&№183; Acute inflammatory processes
&№183; Tuberculosis of any localization
&№183; Circulatory failure 2-3 degrees
&№183; Hypertension 2-3 stages
&№183; Pronounced atherosclerosis of the heart, brain
&№183; Ischemic heart disease (CHD) with symptoms of angina pectoris
&№183; Glomerulonephritis
&№183; Active hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
&№183; Thyrotoxicosis, decompressed diabetes
&№183; Cysts of kidneys, ovaries, etc. localization
&№183; Tendency to bleed
&№183; Epilepsy
&№183; Pregnancy
&№183; General contraindications for thermal applications, individual intolerance.